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Thursday, October 09, 2003

On the Road
Kahta, Turkey

Well, this is the first time in a week that we've been able to get online to blog, and a lot has happened since then. Jen will eventually blog about what we've done, while I've got a few observations to share on random topics that come to mind.

However, we don't have enough time to blog fully, but just wanted to post this to say that we're doing fine, and really enjoying seeing the rest of Turkey. We'll have to come back here for a few more months one day. We've visited the Mediterranea and Agean Coasts, and are now about to go climb Mt. Nemrut and visit Cappadocia before returning to Istanbul. Hopefully we'll have time to fill in a few more details in a few days.

Until then, watch out for the Turkey-England football match this Saturday, and what's with California state politics these days? Boy, don't get online for a week and look what happens...


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