Plaza de Toros in Sevilla, Spain

Toros En Sevilla


Watching a bullfight while visiting Seville was definitely an eye-opening experience. We were very grateful to have had the opportunity to view this event, but we're not sure we would need to view another bullfight again. Evolved over the centuries as an event of much tradition and ceremony, the bullfight is certainly an important part of Spanish culture and history.

Jon contemplates the ambulance parked outside the Plaza de Toros. Inside, there is a fully equiped infirmary

This is the chapel where the matadors pray before the fight begins

A young matador named Miguelín Murillo, only 19 years old

The parade of bullfighters, the paseillo, wearing their parade capes

A nice shot from our seats by Jon

Primer Tercio

There are three stages to a bullfight. The first stage, the suerte de varas, involves the matador's team of assitants who use the capote, a working cape, to display the bull's movements to the matador. After a signal from trumpets, two picadores enter the ring on padded and blindfolded horses, and they use long spears to puncture the bull's back. This weakens the bull's neck muscles for the later stages, and also tests the strength of the bull.

The matador will also use the capote to move the bull in the primer tercio

The horses ridden by the picadores were amazing, we couldn't believe they were trained to remain calm while a bull charges them

The bulls were upward of 450kg, and often lifted the horse and rider during its charge

Secundo Tercio

The second stage involves the matator's team using banderillas to pierce to bull's back. These banderillas are colourful 75cm wooden sticks with harpoon-like points on the end of them. Typically, three pairs were thrust into the bull's back.

A banderillo preparing for the bull's charge

This matador inserted his own benderillas

This particular stage often brought loud cheers from the crowd

Bleeding heavily from its wounds, this bull runs the banderillos back behind their wooden barriers

Tercer Tercio

The third and final stage involves the matador using the muleta, the infamous red cloth with a stick, to take the bull through a variety of passes, all of which have specific names. The matador then prepares the bull for the suerta suprema. Here, he uses the muleta to keep the bull's head down while using a sword to penetrate the bull's back between the shoulder blades, attempting to drive it through the bull's heart.

Here, the young matador shows his daring by facing the bull on his knees

He elicited many "oohs and ahhs" from the crowd with his performance

Preparing for the kill: the matador readies his sword

There are several methods to the suerta suprema, but we're not sure which style he's using here

The triumphant matador poses over the dying bull with the sword deep in its body

The matador earns the right to strut around the ring with his team

Just a kid; this 19 year old is either incredibly brave or incredibly foolish, you decide

If the bull has fought valiantly, it is shown respect by being dragged around the ring before it is removed

This matador was actually struck in the right thigh by one of the bull's hooves after he lost his balance

But he got up quickly and kept on fighting the bull, eventually striking the heart on his first attempt

He was the only matador to do this, and earned the trophy of one of the bull's ears

The dead bulls are taken to the slaugherhouse where all parts of the animal will be used. Restaurants specially buy the meat for their dishes.

An incredibly dangerous activity: this matador, while successfully completing his bullfight, was gored in his side and right leg and was carried out of the bullring






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